The summarized points of the book writing for computer science [1].

  1. The need of science writing is accurate and clear. Thus, science writing must by its nature be plain, straightforward, and succinct. However, it can have style, and lively writing suggests a lively mind with interesting ideas to discuss.

  2. The text should be economic, and taut. Every sentence should be necessary. Paper are not made important by padding with long-winded sentence. However, text can be condensed too far. Don’t omit words that make the writing easier to understand.

    [Too condensed] Bit-stream interpretation requires external description of stored structures. Stored descriptions are encoded, not external.

    [Better understanding for why not external] Interpretation of bit-streams requires external information such as descriptions of stored structures. Such descriptions are themselves data, and if stored with the bit-stream become part of it, so that further external information is not required.

  3. Brief summaries at the start the end of each section are helpful (link text together as a narrative), as are sentences connecting one section to the next: for example, a well-written section might conclude with:

    [Section Connection] Together these results show that the hypothesis holds for linear coefficients. The difficulties presented by non-linear coefficients are considered in the next section

  4. Some unpleasant indirect style is the artificial use of verbs like perform, utilize, achieved, carried out, conducted, done, occurred, and effected.

    [Indirect] Tree structures can be utilized for dynamic storage of terms.

    [Direct] Terms can be stored in dynamic tree structures.

    [Indirect] Local packet transmission was performed to test error rates.

    [Direct] Error rates were tested by local packet transmission.

  5. Formatted lists can be used as an occasional alternative to paragraphs. List points can be numbered, named, or tagged. Use numbers only when ordering or reference is important, otherwise use tags or names.

  6. Padding is the unnecessary use of pedantic phrases such as in general, of course, in any case. Unnecessary introduction of quantities, or the concept of quantites, is a form of padding, like a number of (several), a large number of (many).

  7. Note that, the fact that are often used to introduce something that readers should be able to deduce for themselves.

  8. Use the minimum number of words, of minimum length, in writing.

  9. Abbreviations should be avoid in the end of sentences.

    [Wrong] The precess required less than a second (except for A, B, C, etc.).

    [Right] The precess required less than a second (except for A, B, or C).

  10. Never use exclamation.

  11. Considering breaking down expressions to make them more readable, especially if doing so enlarges small symbols.

    [Wrong] $f(x) = e^{2^{-\frac{b}{a}x\sqrt{1-\frac{a^2}{x^2}}}}$

    [Right] $f(x) = e^{2^{g(x)}}$ where $g(x) = -\frac{b}{a}x\sqrt{1-\frac{a^2}{x^2}}$

  12. Fractions are rarely used for values, and should not be used as abbreviations.

    [Wrong] About 1/3 of the data was noise.

    [Right] About one-third of the data was noise.

  13. Avoid the phrase “orders of magnitude”, explicitly show the numbers.

    [Wrong] The new algorithm is at least two order of magnitude faster.

    [Right] The new algorithm is at least a hundred times faster.

  14. Don’t flood your paper with statistics even in graphical form, and avoid reptition; each graph should convey interesting new information.

  15. Table should be open and uncluttered, with ample with white space. Don’t have too many horizontal or vertical rules.

  16. Don’t be afraid to shorten your papers: cutting will improve the quality. Edit for brevity and balance.

  17. There is no excuse for a report that contains spelling errors.

  18. Abbreviations and acronyms stated in full when first used/introduced. If abbreviations used less than 3-4 times, considering removing them.


  1. Zobel, Justin. Writing for computer science. Vol. 8. New York NY: Springer, 2004.