A Libertine of Computer Science

Category: Development

Spark Deployment [部署Spark]

DuckDB--Query Execution



DuckDB--Data Representation

Pointer and Reference

Hadoop Deployment [部署Hadoop]

Python Property Decorator [Python的Property装饰器]

Shell Expect [自动交互脚本Expect]

Understanding of Spark Structured Streaming Execution via Source Code [通过源码理解Spark的结构化流执行]

Understanding and Installing Nvidia Docker [Nvidia Docker 介绍和安装]

Docker Volume [Docker Volume 介绍]

Docker Commands [Docker 命令]

Python Option -m [Python -m 使用]

Python Multi-Inheritance [Python多重继承]

Python Variable-Length Arguments [Python不定长参数]

Python Packaging & Distribution--Setuptools [Python打包和发布--Setuptools工具]

Understanding Docker Compose [Docker Compose理解]

Understanding Docker [Docker理解]

Succinct Maven Tutorial [Maven简洁教程]


Python pass-by-value and pass-by-reference [Python参数的值传递和引用传递]

TensorFlow 1.15.4 Installation from Source Code [TensorFlow 1.15.4 源码安装]

Share Variable Python Multiprocessing [Python Multiprocessing中的共享变量使用]

Best Practice for Python Virtual Environment [Python虚拟环境的最佳实践]

Explanation of GPU Important Specification [GPU的重要参数]

tf.get_variable() and tf.Variable()

OpenAI Gym Tutorial [OpenAI Gym教程]

Python Tricks [Python技巧]

Python globals and locals built-in functions [Python的globals和locals内置函数]

Name Scope vs Variable Scope in TensorFlow [TF中Name Scope和Variable Scope的区别]

Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know [每个程序员都该知道的数字]

Introduction to GPU and CUDA [GPU和CUDA简介]

A Fast and Practical Hash Function [一个快速实用的Hash函数]

Compile Hadoop [编译Hadoop]

Event in Yarn [Yarn事件机制]

Java Static and Dynamic Proxy [Java静态和动态代理]

Setup a Hadoop Standalone via VirtualBox on Ubuntu [搭建基于VirtualBox的Hadoop伪分布式集群]

Java Concurrency--Part 2 [Java 并发操作二]

Java Concurrency--Part 1 [Java 并发操作一]

Java Design Pattern [Java23种设计模式]

Java Serialization [Java序列化和反序列化]

Java Thread [Java多线程]

Java Network Programming [Java网络编程]

Java Revisit [Java语言要点回顾]

ZooKeeper Cluster Setup [搭建ZooKeeper集群]

Introduction to Big Data Systems [大数据系统介绍]

SSH Login without Password [SSH登录免密码登录]

VirtualBox Networking Configuration [VirtualBox虚拟机网络设置]

Setup a Hadoop 2.x/3.x Distributed Cluster via VirtualBox on Ubuntu [搭建基于VirtualBox的Hadoop分布式集群]

A Retrospect to Bool Type [Bool类型回顾]

Stack vs Heap [栈和堆的区别]

Programming Tips [关于编程的有用提示]

GNU Make--Advance [GNU Make进阶]

GNU Make--Intro [GNU Make介绍]

C inline function [C语言内联函数]

Build RDMA Connection [基于RDMA通信]

C++ Bitwise Operation [C++位运算]

do...while(0) in C/C++ Marco

C++(11) Basic [C++(11)基础]

Introduction to Grappa@UW [Grappa项目介绍]

Iteration and Recursion [迭代和递归]

Pointers on C (Part 2) [C和指针(二)]

Pointers on C (Part 1) [C和指针(一)]