A Libertine of Computer Science

Tag: Distribute Computing

Applied Machine Learning at Facebook: A Datacenter Infrastructure Perspective

BlinkDB: Queries with Bounded Errors and Bounded Response Times on Very Large Data

Introduction to Bitcoin & Blockchain [比特币和区块链介绍]

ZooKeeper Cluster Setup [搭建ZooKeeper集群]

Introduction to Big Data Systems [大数据系统介绍]

Setup a Hadoop 2.x/3.x Distributed Cluster via VirtualBox on Ubuntu [搭建基于VirtualBox的Hadoop分布式集群]

Log-Structured Merge Trees [LSM Tree 介绍]

Twitter Snowflake Algorithm [分布式自增ID算法Snowflake]

Idempotent [幂等性]

Parallel Database Architecture [并行数据库架构]

Introduction to Grappa@UW [Grappa项目介绍]

Sequential Consistency [顺序一致性]

Introduction to BASE [BASE理论介绍]

Introduction to CAP [CAP理论简介]

Introduction to Concurrence Control in database [数据库并发控制概述]

Introduction to Paxos (2) [Paxos简介(2)]

Introduction to Paxos (1) [Paxos简介(1)]

Introduction to 3PC [三阶段提交协议简介]

Introduction to 2PC [二阶段提交协议简介]