A Libertine of Computer Science
Book (8)
Development (66)
Research (69)
Writing (5)
Adjustment (12)
Algorithm (13)
Big Data (16)
Blockchain (1)
C&CPP (14)
Compile (6)
Concurrency (5)
CPU (5)
CUDA (5)
Database (25)
Distribute Computing (19)
Docker (5)
DuckDB (4)
FileSystem (12)
Git (1)
GPU (5)
Hash (1)
HPC (1)
Idiom (1)
Java (10)
Latency (4)
Linux (1)
LLM (1)
Makefile (2)
Machine Learning (16)
NoSQL (1)
Note (12)
OS (8)
Paper (3)
Parallelism (7)
Pointer (3)
Probability (12)
Python (12)
RDMA (2)
Recommendation (1)
Reinforcement Learning (10)
Shell (3)
TensorFlow (5)
Virtualization (4)
Category: Development
Change the author name & email of a commit
Nivdia GPU Driver, CUDA, and CuDNN Installation
Spark Deployment [部署Spark]
DuckDB--Query Execution
DuckDB--Data Representation
Pointer and Reference
Hadoop Deployment [部署Hadoop]
Python Property Decorator [Python的Property装饰器]
Shell Expect [自动交互脚本Expect]
Understanding of Spark Structured Streaming Execution via Source Code [通过源码理解Spark的结构化流执行]
Understanding and Installing Nvidia Docker [Nvidia Docker 介绍和安装]
Docker Volume [Docker Volume 介绍]
Docker Commands [Docker 命令]
Python Option -m [Python -m 使用]
Python Multi-Inheritance [Python多重继承]
Python Variable-Length Arguments [Python不定长参数]
Python Packaging & Distribution--Setuptools [Python打包和发布--Setuptools工具]
Understanding Docker Compose [Docker Compose理解]
Understanding Docker [Docker理解]
Succinct Maven Tutorial [Maven简洁教程]
Python pass-by-value and pass-by-reference [Python参数的值传递和引用传递]
TensorFlow 1.15.4 Installation from Source Code [TensorFlow 1.15.4 源码安装]
Share Variable Python Multiprocessing [Python Multiprocessing中的共享变量使用]
Best Practice for Python Virtual Environment [Python虚拟环境的最佳实践]
Explanation of GPU Important Specification [GPU的重要参数]
tf.get_variable() and tf.Variable()
OpenAI Gym Tutorial [OpenAI Gym教程]
Python Tricks [Python技巧]
Python globals and locals built-in functions [Python的globals和locals内置函数]
Name Scope vs Variable Scope in TensorFlow [TF中Name Scope和Variable Scope的区别]
Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know [每个程序员都该知道的数字]
Introduction to GPU and CUDA [GPU和CUDA简介]
A Fast and Practical Hash Function [一个快速实用的Hash函数]
Compile Hadoop [编译Hadoop]
Event in Yarn [Yarn事件机制]
Java Static and Dynamic Proxy [Java静态和动态代理]
Setup a Hadoop Standalone via VirtualBox on Ubuntu [搭建基于VirtualBox的Hadoop伪分布式集群]
Java Concurrency--Part 2 [Java 并发操作二]
Java Concurrency--Part 1 [Java 并发操作一]
Java Design Pattern [Java23种设计模式]
Java Serialization [Java序列化和反序列化]
Java Thread [Java多线程]
Java Network Programming [Java网络编程]
Java Revisit [Java语言要点回顾]
ZooKeeper Cluster Setup [搭建ZooKeeper集群]
Introduction to Big Data Systems [大数据系统介绍]
SSH Login without Password [SSH登录免密码登录]
VirtualBox Networking Configuration [VirtualBox虚拟机网络设置]
Setup a Hadoop 2.x/3.x Distributed Cluster via VirtualBox on Ubuntu [搭建基于VirtualBox的Hadoop分布式集群]
A Retrospect to Bool Type [Bool类型回顾]
Stack vs Heap [栈和堆的区别]
Programming Tips [关于编程的有用提示]
GNU Make--Advance [GNU Make进阶]
GNU Make--Intro [GNU Make介绍]
C inline function [C语言内联函数]
Build RDMA Connection [基于RDMA通信]
C++ Bitwise Operation [C++位运算]
do...while(0) in C/C++ Marco
C++(11) Basic [C++(11)基础]
Introduction to Grappa@UW [Grappa项目介绍]
Iteration and Recursion [迭代和递归]
Pointers on C (Part 2) [C和指针(二)]
Pointers on C (Part 1) [C和指针(一)]